Sunday 9 August 2015

More Gamescom Q&A

- there will be new camo patterns
- arty will be rebalanced in 2016
- new modes with different amount of players will come after PvE and new physics
- earlier WG said that there will be no submarines in WoWs but now they are thinking about it
- it's possible the WoWs cruiser  class will be split into "light" and "heavy" cruisers
- if Master of Orion performs well on PC, it's possible it will appear on other platforms
- currently MoO has 4 races out of 10 ready
- Czechoslovak tier 10 will have an autoloader and good DPM
- the fate of premium T-25 was not decided yet
- all three shown maps (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Berlin) will appear in one patch
- the "moon battle" mode on Xbox was popular

And several more Czechoslovak tanks were shown:

Tier 1 - Kolohousenka

Tier 2 - LT Vz.35

Tier 6 - Škoda T 25

Tier 10 - T 50/51 drawing (by WG)

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